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Who will this building serve?

The 275 Coleman Street development will consist of 72 affordable homes, serving qualified, low-income families with a range of studio to five-bedroom apartments and one on-site manager’s unit. This building will be 100% affordable housing for families making between 35%-50% of San Francisco Area Median Income. We envision a broad spectrum of household types living in the building, from single adults to large families. The income range means this building will be home to San Franciscans who are essential to making our city run - like health aides, social workers, MUNI drivers, and childcare workers.


What is the onsite staffing?

This building will be managed by Mercy Housing Management Group, which has over 30 years of experience providing property management services in San Francisco. The building will have a full-time Property Manager and Assistant Manager, along with maintenance and janitorial service. Mercy has 55 properties in San Francisco, and two in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood.


We will also have one full-time Service Coordinator from San Francisco Housing Development Corporation (SFHDC). This staff member will support residents as residents work to achieve their personal and family goals. SFHDC has staff at four other communities in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood. 


What is the responsibility of the property manager regarding community concerns?

The property manager is responsible for responding to neighborhood residents' concerns regarding the building and the impact residents or guests are having on the neighborhood.


Can we see the house rules and lease agreement?

Sure! Click to view sample House Rules or sample Lease Agreement.

Are residents allowed to have visitors?

Yes. Residents can have visitors. The house rules specify the number of days that residents are allowed to have visitors. Residents are responsible for their visitors.

What is the pet policy?

Typically, we allow pets of less than 40 lbs. We cannot restrict pets based on breed. Residents may provide a reasonable accommodation letter from a doctor to allow for a pet larger than 40 lbs.


Is there resident parking?

Yes, this building will provide 46 car parking spaces in a garage that will be concealed at Innes Ct. Residents will enter the garage off of Kennedy Pl., just like the residents at 51 Innes Ct.

Is this enough parking?

We anticipate this will be enough parking for this building. In Mercy Housing’s 30+ years of experience developing and managing buildings in San Francisco, we often find that parking goes unused. We anticipate many residents will use public transportation or ride-sharing services (Lyft, Uber). We will also have a large room for secure bicycle parking.

Where can cars load and drop off?

We are planning to include a loading zone next to the building’s main entrance on Coleman Street.


Is there any information about how this development will impact neighboring property values?

Many studies have found that affordable housing does not decrease, and often increases, property values. Nonprofit affordable housing developers tend to have high design standards (because we maintain long-term ownership of the buildings). Good design and property management have been shown to increase property values in the immediate area of affordable housing. Click here to read some studies on property values.

How tall will the building be?

The building will be five stories tall, ranging in height from the ground from 45’ to 55’, depending on the slope of the site. Because our building exceeds the 45’ standard height in the OCII Design for Development Guidelines, we were required to secure a density bonus from OCII Commission, consistent with the State Affordable Housing Density Bonus. OCII Commission granted us this density bonus on April 6, 2021.


The building is entitled at four stories (45’), which is taller than the homes across Coleman St. Therefore the additional height will not impact views any more than the original building.


How can I live in this building?

100% of units in this building will house applicants who apply for affordable housing through the DAHLIA Housing Portal. This process is managed by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, who administers a lottery system. The lottery assigns specific “preferences” for the following households:


● Certificate of Preference Holders

● Displaced Tenant Housing Preference

● Neighborhood Resident Housing Preference

● Live/Work in San Francisco Preference

For more information on DAHLIA, visit

What are the sizes of the units?

275 Coleman Street will have units ranging in size from studios to five bedrooms. The approximate average sizes of these units are:


● Studio - 397 sq ft

● One-Bedroom - 480 sq ft

● Two-Bedroom - 709 sq ft

● Three-Bedroom - 900 sq ft

● Four-Bedroom - 1335 sq ft

● Five-Bedroom - 1335 sq ft

Who can support me in preparing to enter the DAHLIA lottery?

San Francisco Housing Development Corporation’s Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) will help you get ready and stay ready for this and other housing lotteries. The FEC operates as a HUD-approved Local Housing Counseling Agency (LHCA). The FEC’s mission is to raise the consciousness and financial literacy of under-served residents in order to assist them in achieving their financial and housing goals and find “a way outta no way.” This includes providing renters with the knowledge and information they need to obtain, stabilize, and maintain affordable housing. To connect with SFHDC and see their upcoming workshops visit

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