Mercy Housing California (MHC) and San Francisco Housing Development Corporation (SFHDC) are working in conjunction with the San Francisco Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) to develop the property located at 275 Coleman Street (formerly 11 Innes Court). Formerly known as Block 56, this site is a component of the Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 1 Redevelopment Project Area. This building will be 100% affordable housing for families making between 35%-50% of San Francisco Area Median Income. We envision a broad spectrum of household types living in the building, from single adults to large families. The income range means this building will be home to San Franciscans who are essential to making our city run - like health aids, social workers, MUNI drivers, and childcare providers. This new community will include apartments ranging in size from studios all the way to one five-bedroom apartment, amenity spaces, and a landscaped courtyard.

Rendering of 11 Innes Court entryway
72 affordable rental apartments (reserved for incomes 35-50% SF AMI)
One on-site apartment for building management
46 car parking spaces (exceeded required parking)
10 motorcycle/moped parking spaces
73 secure bike parking spaces
Indoor community room and courtyard community spaces
Mercy Housing California (MHC) and San Francisco Housing Development Corporation (SFHDC) are working in conjunction with the San Francisco Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) to develop the property located at 275 Coleman Street.
Mercy and SFHDC have been working in the Bayview-Hunters Point community for over 30 years and are thrilled for the opportunity to bring new homes to San Francisco families in the Hunters Point Shipyard neighborhood.
Mercy Housing California and SFHDC are committed to incorporating the local community into the development process through a variety of means, including input from neighbors, neighborhood associations, and local leaders, as well as written and electronic communications.
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MAY 2023: Project began construction
EARLY 2025: Anticipated construction completion and occupancy
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